The "Emotional and professional development" program was created by our team to meet the needs of companies and their employees for better professional development and mental health and well-being.
To improve the quality of relationships between coworkers, improve the climate in the team and the performance of work tasks. Atelier Affect provides the following services:

Psychological counseling

Short-term, individual counseling on a specific issue that the employee needs to resolve

Includes questions related to:
Emotional well-being, parenting, partnerships and marriages, interpersonal difficulties, burnout, complaints related to depressive experiences, anxiety, panic attacks and other emotional difficulties.

Psychological counseling is also an opportunity to evaluate and refer to another mental health specialist, if necessary.

Coaching in business leadership

Short-term, individual counseling related to career development, work relationships, leadership and others.

Includes questions related to:
Development of communication and communication skills, career development planning, development of leadership skills and improvement of leadership style, improvement of work-life balance, conflict management.

Crisis intervention

Emergency psychological help, which is carried out when a person has an event that is, or they perceive to be dangerous, stressful or painful for them. Its purpose is to support the person in dealing with the situation, improving their emotional resources for this and at the same time to prevent the emergence of potential negative consequences.

Group Debriefing

An approach that helps groups of people affected by the same stressful or risky event to talk about what happened, make sense of it, express their emotions and regain a sense of control. The debriefing also meets the company's need to take care of the affected employees.

Causes for crisis situations can be the death of a a close one or a colleague, suicide attempts, dismissal, divorce, accidents (car crash, etc), disaster (earthquake, pandemic, etc).


The sessions are held in the office of Atelier Affect or online.

Before concluding a corporate contract, the team of Atelier Affect evaluates the needs of the company, according to which recommendations are made for the appropriate mental health services and a price offer is made, which includes the possibility of a term subscription plan.